September 22

Bhagavad Gita

  1. Describe ways in which you feel like Arjuna.  I don’t want to clean my house like Arjuna didn’t want to kill his friends.
  2. How could you specifically apply the message of theBhagavad Gita? Even though I don’t want to clean my house and it would be the death of me I still have to do it and afterward I will feel better.
  3. How would the ancient Indian perspective of the Bhagavad Gita be VERY different than the 21st Century American perspective of doing one’s duty?   They might think that everybody has to do their duties to survive but nowadays we are like if we volunteer were doing our part in society and if we work at McDonalds we are still feeding someone.
  4. Now, venture back to ancient India. Think of a way the Bhagavad Gita could be used as a tool of oppression?  By killing people they think that their doing there jobs and they think that taking power they are doing their jobs.
September 5

Feng Shui

I decided to Feng Shui my room.  There were clothes on the floor and a messy bed.  By Feng Shui my room Chi can move freely throughout it.  My bed represents wood by the rectangular shape it holds.  My curtains and walls are blue which represent water.  Incorportating Bague into my room there are usually a lot of different colors that are evolved as different aspects in your life.  My room is very blue so the important qualities that are big on me would be the water, water can be very gentle when balanced and very fearful when not balanced.



September 4

Taoism Walk

On the Taoist walk through our cross country course, the most powerful sensation I experienced was the cool air on my skin.  I have been on this trail before, we had to run it for soccer.  I did experience it differently this time because this time I was walking slowly threw the path, not trying to dodge the roots, bumps, and sticks on the ground while i’m in pain from running.   This time walking threw the path it was a lot more peaceful and quiet.  While I was on the walk I heard the leaves rustling threw the wind, I smelled the oak on the trees.  While I was on the walk I was thinking about the peacefulness as I was walking on the trail.  When I was on the walk I was feeling very calm and the walk was soothing.  This walk helped me understand Taoism by showing me the little things you can miss when you don’t take the time to slow down and notice the tiny things you’ll miss them.